Friday, 1 July 2016

Android Google Maps With Nearyby Places

Show User Current Location and Load Nearby Places (within 5km radius) using Volley. Today im gonna show you how to show current location and load nearby places in android. Previously had some trouble with other google places and maps tutorial coz of complexity and underinformations, but finally, here comes the simplest and cleanest code of all. Project Structure: 1....

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Genymotion: Set a location in Running Emulator

Hae there, this is probably one of the simplest things i get to do while running a project that requires location. By default, a running genymotion virtual device location is disabled and it's usually preset at latitude =65.9667 and longitude = -18.5333 How to enable the location service and adding a custom location. 1. Open Genymotion, 2. Run a virtual device...

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Android Google Maps: Show current Location

Today im gonna show you how to create an android app that shows your current location on the map Project Structure: Procedure: 1. To start with, Create an new android project, Go to start 'start a new project' from the welcome screen > Name it 'CurrentLocation' > Choose 'Google maps activity' *This is the main point* and finish to create the project. 2. After...